Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the fruition of Silence > Page 3


spring comes & grass grows ~ the fruition of Silence

Page 3

Forgetting all conditions does not mean a bland detachment. These conditions are released, by which we usually think and judge based on the conception of duality. Emptiness is free of conditions, that Fullness is that within which conditions arise. Yet, in the Quiet we return to before conditions, so before duality. We affirm a Truth not bound by the conditions of duality, even though manifesting in and through such. Conditions are neither holy nor unholy, good nor bad, right nor wrong, conditions are simply conditions, and relative.

With nothing to do means Life is happening. I am simply in Life, an expression of Life, am expressing Life. Just sitting quietly is Life happening, as much as when engaging in some other activity. We are conditioned maybe to feel we are less a person when not doing or that we must act to prove we are loving, of service to others, or a good being. When in the Quiet with others, we release this illusory need that we become something by doing something. We return to the root of the Tree of Life, from which doing arises naturally, freely, and gracefully. This transforms how we see doing and provides us a reminder we are not what we do, we are and so we do. Doing is to be an extension of the Silence, not a break from the Silence. Silence together and when apart tempers our compulsion to act. A natural balance between doing and not-doing is invited into our lives.

We find our sense of being in control is illusory, that Life is wiser than we thought and can think. This is a wonderful learning, then we can be more welcoming to and available to be used by Spirit. Yet spring comes, and grass grows all by itself. We find, by entering the Silence, the fruition of it is learning how Grace brings the details of life together in a way through which we learn the humbleness of our ignorance and the richness of the wisdom of Presence.

As attributed to the apostle Paul in the Christian Scriptures:

All things work together for good to those who love God (or, God causes all things to work together ...), those called to fulfill the purpose of God.

Jesus speaks, in the same manner of the works others witnessed he was doing, saying, ...

Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me.

The fruition of Jesus in union with the one he called "Father" is the words, the works. This union of Silence is the source of the natural outflow of graces. Is it any other with us, that fruition arises from being in Grace?


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the fruition of Silence > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024